
Silt, Silica, and Sand

Silt, Silica, and Sand

Centrifugal separators induce water tangentially into a separation barrel. By entering the chamber at a diagonal angle, a vortex is created, causing the water to spin.  This rapid spinning causes the heavier particles to move to the outer portion of the barrel, where they fall to the bottom of the chamber. Because the pressure is low in the center of the vortex, the water flows through the outlet free of solids. The particles that accumulate in the bottom of the chamber are periodically drained either manually or automatically.

Removing solids and grit from the water significantly prolongs the life of pumps and filters that are downstream from the separator. Centrifugal separators have no downtime, require no backflushing, and can be maintenance-free with an automatic purge device. In one pass they can remove up to 98% of solids that are 74 microns or larger. A simple test is to fill a container and watch if particles settle within 3-4 minutes.